Digital Marketing Intelligence: Practical Guide To Online Tools For Analyzing Market Context And Trends

What Marketing Intelligence is, the way to make it happen and why it is critical for the outcome of organizations: a refreshed outline of the essential administrations at present accessible Online at nothing (or nearly) cost to gather and break down information and data on shoppers and contenders, and find as well as patterns, tastes, situations, necessities and conclusions

Marketing Intelligence: A Definition

The Indian Marketing Association dictionary defines a Marketing Intelligence system as “The improvement of a framework for gathering, handling, examining and making accessible market information and data in a configuration that permits showcasing directors to carry out their roles more successfully. 

Dissecting promoting information can produce data that, if fittingly handled, gives knowledge to arranging exercises, strategy definition, and choices.” (” The improvement of a framework to accumulate, process, survey, and make accessible Showcasing information and data in a configuration that grants Advertising directors and leaders to work all the more really. 

Showcasing information, when broken down, may yield data that can then be handled and placed into a configuration that gives insight for arranging, strategy making, and choice purposes.”) For this reason, tools and examples of Marketing Intelligence activities carried out with resources available on the Web will be shown.

Marketing And Digital Technology Are Interconnected

Technology and Marketing have never been so interconnected, so much so that the use of a new term, ” martech “, which emphasizes this close correlation, has spread. New solutions for analytics, marketing automation and customer care emerge daily, but identifying the beneficial ones and distinguishing lasting innovations from fads is not easy. 

Often, there is the risk of being carried away by current trends. As usual, it is necessary to start with the customer, user experience, and the company’s digital strategies to make wise choices. Sean Ellis coined the term  Growth Hacking to indicate marketing approaches aimed at continuous growth through the combination of programming and knowledge of digital platforms, the power and effectiveness of data analytics, and creativity in content creation.

The relationship between technologies and Marketing has been addressed on these pages in several articles on martech, Marketing Automation, Artificial Intelligence in retail, and many others. In this case, we want to look at the topic from a more application point of view, showing the tools anyone can implement to implement their digital strategy and providing concrete examples.

Marketing Intelligence: 3 Types Of Solutions To Map The Context

To investigate and map the context and trends affecting markets and society in general, we have identified three groups of web-based tools. The possibility of developing good marketing intelligence has never been within everyone’s reach as it is today. We have distinguished three types of tools:

  1. Traditional market and technology research providers;
  2. The digital tools made available by Google;
  3. Other tools are available on the Web.

Research Bodies, Universities, Independent Observatories

Utilizing customary assets, such as statistical surveying, innovative investigations, spectators, deals, and utilization information, helps figure out the reference set. This incorporates counseling files and information bases of the essential examination and investigation focuses. Without professing to be thorough, the accompanying sources comprise a beginning stage for a socio-segment, mechanical and market structure, clearly to be investigated inside and out with additional impromptu verticalization, one case at a time case. 

The spread of open information (information made accessible by districts, research bodies, colleges, states, organizations, and so forth) has decreased the expense and season of admittance to pertinent data, spreading its utilization and making new mods, els accessible. Business. Intriguing models are:

  1. The portals of the Italian Public Administration.
  2. TheMunicipality of Milan data, or the European Union data

There are many sources of information online with which you can “easily” map:

  1. Socio-demographic structures and trends with Istat and Statista ;
  2. The most diverse markets with Nielsen research;
  3. The state of health and innovation in the media, for example, with Prima Comunicazione and Audicom ;
  4. The evolution of technologies with the Observatories of the Polytechnic of Milan and Gartner ;
  5. Innovations from the hi-tech startup world, for example, on TechCrunch.

There are many other resources that can be consulted, but if we think of a classic PEST analysis (useful for mapping the main political, economic, social, and technological factors), the main information can be obtained from these or similar sources, possibly completing them with political, economic, and social analyses provided by major newspapers, magazines, and information sites.

Google Resources

In addition to analyzing market data and using open data, it is possible to conduct direct research to understand whether the public knows a topic, term, character, product or company. This allows you to identify trends and analyze how people search online, crucial for search engine optimization (SEO) strategies. Google offers a wealth of data and tools that are very useful for completing these analyses, with which it is possible to:

  1. Get market insights for marketing professionals with Insights from Think with Google;
  2. Map trends and interests over time and by geographic region with Google Trends ;
  3. Evaluate your store’s online potential with Grow My Store ;
  4. Find new markets and plan global expansion with Market Finder ;
  5. Discover the most viewed and engaging videos on YouTube Trends ;
  6. Share resources and news in a diversified and innovative way with the Google News Initiative ;
  7. Find out how many people search for specific products over time and in particular locations with Google Ads Insights Finder;
  8. Investigate user searches with Google Ads Keyword Planner to find the most searched words or results for one term (or brand) compared to another;
  9. Monitor keywords, terms, brands, and characters, keeping tabs on updates and news regarding them via Google Alerts ;
  10. Monitor website performance in search results with Google Search Console ;

Analyze user behavior and the complete journey in depth with Google Analytics 4, the next generation of Analytics.

Other Web Resources Helpful In Identifying Macro-Trends

It’s not just Google. There are many tools online, each useful for a specific type of analysis. Below are free tools that can be used in freemium mode, i.e., those that offer free trial periods. Thanks to these technologies, we can:

  1. Know users’ musical and cinema tastes through Spotify and Netflix charts;
  2. Monitor the day’s news with AllTop or Feedly ;
  3. Discover popular content, influencers and trends for any theme with Buzzsumo ;
  4. View current trends on the platform with X Trends (formerly Twitter);
  5. Discover current trends with Trendspotter.

Other Social Media & Web Analytics tools should be added to complete the context analysis. However, these are extensive themes that each deserve a separate treatment. More details regarding  Social Media & Web Listening can be found in this article.

The New Frontiers Of Marketing Intelligence

New advances are reclassifying the advertising knowledge scene, offering valuable assets for investigating and anticipating market patterns and purchasers’ behavior. Artificial brain power (computer-based intelligence) and AI are reforming prescient examination and personalization of client encounters via robotizing the location of examples and patterns in information.

These progressions permit organizations to portion crowds successfully and expect their necessities and inclinations with phenomenal exactness. Also, information representation devices like Scene and Power BI change complex informational collections into justifiable, intelligent perceptions, making it much simpler to decipher and share essential experiences. These advancements offer organizations the fantastic chance to enhance advertising techniques, further develop client commitment, and increment market seriousness.

Read Also: Pinterest: What Opportunities For Businesses In 2024?

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