Apps & Tools

Unlocking the Future: 23 Search Engines That Will Dominate in 2024

Do you involve Google or Bing search engines as a web search tools? You are in good company since these crawlers has more than 90% usage around the world. In this period of protection and the start of the finish of treats, it could be an ideal opportunity to track down an elective web search tool to research. Whether you are searching for a protected, natural, or magnanimous web crawler, there are online instruments to get Web clients off their Google enslavement. Today, we provide you with the total rundown of web crawlers!

Leading Search Engines

We might have discussed the “best web search tools”; however, in the web crawler market, quality isn’t inseparable from progress. What are the five most utilized web indexes? In 2024, Google, Bing, Hurray, Baidu, and Yandex will be the most used web crawlers all around the world. The market will be overwhelmed in 2024 by tech monsters like Google, Microsoft, and Yippee and by public web crawlers when Google is restricted, especially in China and Russia. For this initial segment, you will find the leading web crawlers in a piece of the pie.

Disclaimer: The figures fluctuate massively, starting with one concentration and then moving on to the next. To give you a model, for Google, we found a piece of the pie going from 86% to 94% on a worldwide scale… Subsequently, we decided to choose the aftereffects of the latest examinations presented by Statista and StatCounter, regardless of whether a few irregularities persist, as we will see.

Google – The Market-Leading Search Engine

The American search engine Google is the undisputed market leader. With more than 80% market share globally, Google is in a near-monopoly situation. Do we still need to introduce the American ogre? Easily recognizable by its sleek design and search bar, the company is regularly the target of criticism regarding the use of its users’ data but remains the most used search engine on the internet by far. However, its ease of use and the quality of its algorithm make it essential for its users and also all SEO (Search Engine Optimization) professionals, and finding a better search engine is challenging.

Bing – Microsoft’s Search Engine

Bing or Microsoft Bing is in second place among search engines. Microsoft’s engine is Google’s number 1 competitor and keeps other rivals at bay with a competitive advantage: Bing is the default search engine on Windows PCs. Bing is quite close to Google in terms of functionality; we really like the search engine’s wallpaper photos, which make it much more user-friendly than its competitors. The American search engine is clearly underestimated and remains in the shadow of Google despite numerous improvements and new features in recent years. Bing offers, for example, more and more tools to natural referencing or advertising professionals.

Yahoo – The Old One That Is Resisting

The youngest among us remembers the time when Yahoo was more known and used than Google. You have to go back a long time to remember this, but Yahoo was created before Google and had its heyday before slowly losing market share. After trying to buy Google in 2000 and then Facebook in 2006, after coming close to being bought by Microsoft in 2008 for 47 billion dollars, it was Verizon that acquired the search engine for “only” 4.8 billion dollars. Despite these ups and downs, Yahoo is still the 3rd most significant internet search engine in the world, with 2.59% of global queries made on its search engine.

Baidu – The Number 1 Search Engine In China

The force of Google stresses specific nations that have restricted it. This is the situation in China, which utilizes the Baidu web crawler, made in 2000, at over 70%. The benefit of utilizing a web crawler other than Google is that blue-penciling specific data on the web is more straightforward. The Chinese web search tool needs to stand up for itself as the fourth web crawler on the planet with numerous extra elements to web search.

Yandex – The Russian Search Engine

Precise causes, same results. On the off chance that Google isn’t prohibited in Russia, the American web search tool isn’t the market chief since the Russian web search tool Yandex has over 60% of the pie. Made before Google (in 1997), Yandex is like Baidu; Yandex offers highlights like those of Google, for example, video search, picture search, interpretation, and the chance of having an email address.

The Most Secure Search Engines

The search engines mentioned in the first part are often criticized for their lack of transparency regarding the management of user data and their lack of security (spoiler alert: private browsing solves nothing). Specific search tools were built well before the appearance of the GDPR and cookie banners in opposition to Google and highlight the non-use of user data for commercial purposes with varying degrees of success. In this second part, we list the search engines for which respect for private data is the number one argument to assert themselves as an alternative to Google.

DuckDuckGo – The Search Engine That Respects Privacy

DuckDuckGo is the go-to search engine for those who value their privacy and don’t want to use Google. The search engine does not track its users; your requests are neither recorded nor tracked. Founded in 2008, DuckDuckGo exceeded 1 million daily searches in 2012, 5 million in 2014, 10 million in 2016, and 100 million in 2021.

Qwant – The French Search Engine

Qwant is a French search engine launched in 2013 that, like DuckDuckGo, highlights confidentiality and the absence of the use of personal data. The French company describes itself as the anti-Google but has experienced some ups and downs in recent years with some criticism despite strong support in France and Europe.

He is notably accused of a lack of transparency on the relationships between Bing and Qwant for the construction of his algorithms. Octave Klaba, the founder of OVH, announced the buyout of Qwant in July 2023 for 14 million euros (+ debts)… The company was valued at 80 million euros during its last fundraising. Qwant is the 5th most used search engine in France with a 0.52% market share.

You – The Search Engine That Changes The User Experience

At Device Consultant, we are prepared to wager a couple of dollars (however, not a lot of possibility; we are not moving in gold) that the web search tool gambles rapidly, becoming one of the leading web crawlers available. The You web search tool works to give the most ideal hunt experience utilizing artificial consciousness.

Solidly, the web index offers more applicable and customized results by staying away from misleading data or “misleading content” joins. additionally stands apart for the delivery of your ventures: no unending rundown of results except for an association by module to save time. This new player in web search, established in 2021 by Richard Socher, a previous boss researcher at Salesforce, additionally puts information privacy at the focal point of its incentive.

Brave – The Open-Source Tool

Brave is an open-source search engine specializing in privacy. The search engine blocks ads, cookies, cross-site trackers, and malware and does not collect your IP address. More than 42 million people already use Brave to browse the internet.


It is safe to say that you will pay for a promotion-free web crawler. This is the wager made by the organizers behind Neeva, Sridhar Ramaswamy, and Vivek Raghunathan, two previous Google representatives. For $4.95/month, you approach a web index without promotions or treats.

Assuming this data is complex to check, Neeva reports on its landing page that 40% of query items are currently commercials and that 1000 trackers follow you consistently: great. The web search tool reported its conclusion in June 2023, and we are as yet deciding whether it will be purchased or, on the other hand, in the event that it will close its entryways for all time.

Startpage – The “Most Private” Internet Search Engine In The World

Startpage portrays itself as the world’s most confidential web crawler. The organization safeguards the security of its clients by not putting away any information or involving your conduct in your program to send you promotions. Startpage features the upsides of its safe web crawler straightforwardly from the inquiry interface:

  1. The connection is encrypted, and your IP address is not stored on the search engine’s servers;
  2. Startpage prevents third-party services from installing trackers (cookies);
  3. The search engine avoids advertising targeting and online profiling;
  4. Startpage navigation is anonymous.

Swisscows – The Swiss Search Engine

Swisscows is a Swiss search engine whose servers are based in… Switzerland is one of the countries with the strictest privacy policies in the world. The Swiss search engine, therefore, promotes the protection of your data and your privacy and includes filters against pornography and violence, which is very useful for parents.

OneSearch – Verizon’s Search Engine

OneSearch is the new web index from Verizon (which, as of now, possesses Hurray). This web index chips away at Bing query items, being more respectful of your information. The publicizing income that permits the web search tool to bring in cash is created from a hunt watchword and not from a threat put by an organization. We value the contradiction of the circumstance. 

OneSearch is an auxiliary of Verizon, similar to Hurray, which has required some assistance regarding its clients’ protection. The organization is blamed for having examined the messages of its clients looking for information to offer to publicists.

Search Encrypt – The Encrypted Meta-Engine

Search Encrypt uses local encryption to make it impossible to track your personal information. It is a meta-search engine that uses data from search partners while ensuring privacy. The metasearch engine automatically deletes your browsing history after 15 minutes of inactivity.

Searx – The Open-Source Meta-Engine

Searx is also a meta-engine that uses partner data for your search. It is open source, which means its source code is publicly available, and you can download it locally and customize it to your needs. How do you download the search engine? All you have to do is go to the Sears website to get the latest version.

Lukol – The Tool For Searches Without Tracking

Lukol is the last search engine in this part, and it uses Google results while removing tracking elements and preserving your anonymity. If you want to benefit from the quality of the number 1 search engine while preserving your data, Lukol is a solution to consider.

Ecological And Charitable Search Engines

What if your internet search was used to plant trees, finance solidarity projects, promote access to Water, or preserve the oceans? This is possible with the ethical search engines presented in this 3rd part. Each search engine suggested in this part has a different value proposition based on ecology.

Ecosia – The Search Engine That Plants Trees

Each internet search consumes energy and has an impact on the environment; Ecosia’s objective is to make your searches CO2-neutral. To do this, each research funds a tree planting program to make your use of the internet more ecological. 

Lilo – The Charitable Search Engine

Lilo is a French and fortitude web index. For each search completed on Lilo, you get “a drop of water,” which you then, at that point, disseminate to the fortitude undertakings of your decision. Lilo then, at that point, repays the cash compared to the drops of Water. The organization reported that it has given in excess of 4,000,000 euros to fortitude ventures since its creation. Instances of activities in which Lilo is involved are straightforwardly on the site’s landing page.

The Lilo web index remembers the assurance of your security: your ventures are neither kept an eye on nor exchanged, and your information stays individual. Lilo is a meta-motor that depends on Google and Bing innovations to offer important outcomes to its clients. How would you introduce the web crawler? You can utilize it straightforwardly from the Lilo webpage and download it.

Give Water – The Internet Research Tool To Finance The Distribution Of Drinking Water

GiveWater is a search engine that allows you to finance the distribution of clean Water for populations who need it. In detail, the search engine is financed through advertising, and the profits are donated to partners who work to provide disadvantaged populations with access to drinking Water and sanitation. The charity search engine works with Bing.

Eroku – The Search Engine To Fight Plastic Pollution

The last ecological search engine on our list is Ekoru. The search engine tackles plastic pollution and saving the oceans. The funds raised by Ekoru are used, for example, to carry out actions to clean up plastic in the Water or on beaches, to replant seagrass, and to rescue animals. Ekoru works, thanks to Bing and Ecosia.

You Care – The Tool That Donates 80% Of Its Profits To Associations

Youcare transforms your searches into good deeds thanks to advertising revenue. Microsoft provides search results, and 80% of Youcare’s profits are donated to associations. The alternative search engine also focuses on the protection of user data as well as transparency by publishing donation certificates sent to partner associations.

What Are Not Search Engines?

Our list of search engines is coming to an end. However, we would not be utterly complete without talking to you about “fake search engines.” These are not strictly speaking search engines, but the tools presented below have more searches than most of the machines introduced in parts 2 and 3.


YouTube, the video-sharing and social media site that needs no introduction, is increasingly used as an internet search engine. We do not have the exact figures for YouTube in the French market, but in the United States, the video-sharing site is ahead of search engines like Bing and Yahoo, with more than 3% market share.


Facebook is, like YouTube, regularly used as a search engine. For example, it has more monthly searches than DuckDuckGo, which is already very well known. If you are interested in alternative search engines to Google to protect your privacy, we can only advise you not to use Facebook to carry out searches. We could also have mentioned the Google Images photo search engine in this part, and it is the second search engine among those cited in this article after… Google.

Why Use An Alternative To Google?

Reviews are more and more present as the years go by, and many reasons can push you to change search engines. Google Maps, Gmail, Google Drive, Google Chrome, Google Images, Google Ads, YouTube, Waze, Android… Google is everywhere, and some of you want to get out of Google’s dependence. The first apparent reason is to find alternative solutions that will not “enrich” American business.

The second reason was born from the various scandals that affected GAFAM, including Google, regarding respect for privacy and the use of your data. New search engines have been built to respond to these excesses; we are thinking in particular of DuckDuckGo or Qwant presented in this article.

Finally, ecological awareness affects all parts of our society, including our energy consumption via the internet. New-generation search engines respond to this problem by making your energy consumption neutral through search engines (Ecosia) or by participating in solidarity projects (Lilo or Give Water). These search engines are free so that you can do a good deed.

Also Read: Social Networking & Economy: New Cultural Approach Is Needed

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